Color Theory Notes

Color Theory ———————————————————————– Color Theory: Three stages: primary, secondary, and tertiary ROYGBIV: visible color spectrum Primary Colors: pigment generated colors are derived from these primary colors: red, yellow, and blue (makes darker colors) Light generated colors are derived from these primary colors: red, green, and blue (creates lighter colors) Dark color recedes and light color […]

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Design: The Principles and Elements Notes

Design: The Principles and Elements ————————————————————————–“People ignore design that ignores people” – Frank Chimero What is Graphic Design: Design elements are the basic units of a visual image the principle of design govern the relationships of the elements used and organize composition as a whole all imagery, art, design, and photography alike, are comprised of […]

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Graphic File Format

Graphic File Formats ———————————————————————— File Formats: all comp. documents, files are packages in diff. formats format determined by file origin, such as Photoshop or a camera graphic files such as photo, video, or artwork can be reduced in file size by using image compression formats Lossy vs. Lossless: graphic design formats are under 2 categories […]

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Bus Photo Evaluation

The best image quality is the PNG-24 file, but like in the trees it has the biggest file size. The smallest file size is JPEG-Low with only 13 KB. The overall winner though, with size and quality is the JPEG-High.I think this because the only file that looks better is the PNG-24, and it has […]

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Tree Photo Evaluation

The best image quality would be the PNG-24 file type, but it is also the biggest one, weighing in at 861 KB. The best file size is JPEG-Low only weighing in at 43 KB, but it it looks terrible. Overall, the best all around file, I think, is the JPEG-High. It has near to equal […]

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