Typography Notes




  • Choose fonts that have clarity
  • classical time-tested typefaces…( Baskerville, Frutiger, Futura, Garamond, Gill Sans, Helvetica, Palatino, Times New Roman)…Comic Sans

Serif vs San Serif:

  • Serif have terminals (T) use when text must be small
  • San Serif for bigger texts (T)

Font Variance:

  • don’t use too many diff. fonts..will confuse the reader
  • Pick to complementary fonts…1 san serif 1 serif


  • Don’t use to to similar fonts, makes it pointless


  • Use capital and lowercase for optimum clarity


  • Left alignment reads easiest, consider eye flow as it moves down a page


  • use tools with discretion and without disturbing eye flow
  • use Italics, Bold, Size, Color, TypeStyle Change


  • Avoid stretching or distorting fonts


  • strive for a sense of balance
  • is it heavy or light…is it offset?

The Mac is not a typewriter

    • pay attention to space between letters in fonts


  • Kerning: letter spacing


  • Tracking: overall space in a letter

Large Text Blocks:

  • Even out right side of your rag/block


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